Poetry of Geometry - the Breath of The Compassionate
exhale and inhale
give and take
action and retreat
expansion and contraction
manifestation and inspiration
day and night
sun and moon
During the last weeks I explored and experienced the pattern "the Breath of The Compassionate".
I always have been interested in geometry, especially sacred geometry. So, I love to challenge myself in the construction of different patterns to understand and experience their meaning.
When I put myself completely in to the process with passion, I can feel, that exploring geometric shapes are very meditative. The repetition is like a prayer, a mantra,...
By doing geometry in art, I have the impression that I activate the meaning of the pattern or the symbol inside my own body, in all my cells. It effects my being on all levels. My senses will help to open to it - with colors and shapes - the materials I use - with the movement I do - and with my thoughts coming with it.
With each line I dive deeper...
By exploring a pattern over a longer period, I come deeply in contact with what the pattern means to me. So, I started to observe even deeper, where in my life, in my body and on a soul level I feel balanced and where I need to create it even more.
What are my feelings about "give and take"; action and retreat, inspiration and manifestation, spirituality and matter...
What about my own breath: feel I nourished with my inhale, can I give myself even bigger and longer inhales?
Do I allow myself to exhale long and deep too?
Becoming aware of my own breathing rhythm, my own rhythm of day and night, rest, and action, taking time to get inspired and then taking action to manifest and to share...
Do I have the feeling that life is breathing me? That I am connected to the "breath of life"?
I can say: more and more.
Connecting to my own flow, my rhythm, my balance. And, LET LIFE BREATHE THROUGH ME.
The name of the pattern "The Breath of The Compassionate" refers to the teaching of Ibn al-'Arabi (Sufi master), which expound the Divin Breath as the basis of creation.
It is a pattern from Islamic design. In Islamic design, art is sacred, and harmony is a central theme. Art here has a supporting role - supporting spirituality in the people's life. The patterns are acting as reminders of people's own spirituality.
I feel the same in my art making too. My "soul reliefs", for exemple, are made to remind the wholeness, balance, well-being of one people's essence.
And even exploring the pattern with other materials in sculptural works of art, opens to even more understanding, possibilities, and deepness of the meaning.
Being playful with the given and existing elements! Reminds that we are creators in our own life. That we can chose to be playful with what is!
In my October felt transformation course "Poetry of geometry" we got playful with the "give and take" pattern too.
Always amazing how creative and different the outcomes are...each piece is so individual and unique - unique expressions and translations of the same pattern.
wonderful creative student's work
♥ Maria