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Andalusia first impressions and inspiration

Publié le par Maria Friese

Andalusia  first impressions and inspiration

Looking back today to my trip to Andalusia last month. The first words I have written in my journal were: Where olives, walnuts, figs, almonds and pomegranates are growing on the trees - there I feel home… Right, I felt very touched by this andalusian...

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Poetry of Geometry - the Breath of The Compassionate

Publié le par Maria Friese

Poetry of Geometry - the Breath of The Compassionate

Cyanotype + gold exhale and inhale give and take action and retreat expansion and contraction manifestation and inspiration day and night sun and moon ... During the last weeks I explored and experienced the pattern "the Breath of The Compassionate"....

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Soulreliefs -english version

Publié le par Maria Friese

Soulreliefs -english version

I already mentioned it in the last article: One of my new passions are my so-called "soul reliefs". Small but very detailed and powerful works of art with a lot of meaning. With gratitude I was able to create some of these artworks for wonderful people...

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Publié le par Maria Friese


Ich habe es im letzten Artikel schon erwähnt: Eine meiner neuen Leidenschaften sind meine sogenannten "Soulreliefs" . Kleine Kunstwerke mit ganz viel Sinn und Berührungskraft. Mit Dankbarkeit durfte ich nun schon einige dieser Bilder für wundervolle Menschen...

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My sense of art making and "soul reliefs"

Publié le par Maria Friese

My sense of art making and "soul reliefs"

Was Kunst heute für mich bedeutet... (english version scroll down) Die letzten Jahre erwiesen sich als Zeit intensiver Transformation meiner selbst, während denen ich die Freude und Motivation am Kreieren meiner Kunst, sowie auch am Unterrichten der Filztechniken...

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Blue and Gold - a celebration

Publié le par Maria Friese

Blue and Gold - a celebration

At the moment I'm creating with BLUE and GOLD. Today I want to share my reflections about the colors and my creative process. BLUE: I feel calm, rooted, stable, strong. Blue for me represents the earth. It feels nourishing, like a mother nourishing their...

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Poetry of Geometry 1

Publié le par Maria Friese

Poetry of Geometry 1

Maria Friese 2021 Geometry inspires me in different ways since a long time. Geometric shapes in nature, geometric patterns in art and different cultures, sacred geometry. The bigger meaning of geometry fascinates me and how the underlying energetic geometric...

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my art journal - the beginning

Publié le par Maria Friese

my art journal - the beginning

Welcome to my art journal! I started a sketch book, because a very good friend of mine offered me one about a year ago. Never did something with it until now. Thought now that I have to, because it was a gift ;) I had no idea what to do, what to put inside......

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