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The costume & its story

Publié le par Maria Friese

The costume & its story

I've been waiting for this for more than two years! The World of Wearable Art Show in Wellington/New Zealand finally happened. With that, a dream came true, because that was a big wish of mine: to see my art professionally on stage! Here is the very first...

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Soulreliefs -english version

Publié le par Maria Friese

Soulreliefs -english version

I already mentioned it in the last article: One of my new passions are my so-called "soul reliefs". Small but very detailed and powerful works of art with a lot of meaning. With gratitude I was able to create some of these artworks for wonderful people...

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Publié le par Maria Friese


Ich habe es im letzten Artikel schon erwähnt: Eine meiner neuen Leidenschaften sind meine sogenannten "Soulreliefs" . Kleine Kunstwerke mit ganz viel Sinn und Berührungskraft. Mit Dankbarkeit durfte ich nun schon einige dieser Bilder für wundervolle Menschen...

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my art journal - the beginning

Publié le par Maria Friese

my art journal - the beginning

Welcome to my art journal! I started a sketch book, because a very good friend of mine offered me one about a year ago. Never did something with it until now. Thought now that I have to, because it was a gift ;) I had no idea what to do, what to put inside......

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A unique dress for a unique woman...

Publié le par Maria Friese

A unique dress for a unique woman...

I really love orders like this: creating something special for a very special person! Its always a particular and great challenge for myself, especially when I have a 100 percent design freedom ! That shows me that people are honouring me with their trust....

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